NEMRCOMEDY is actually 👍 UP

Date & Time now is 2024-12-21 17:23:30 UTC

Global Issue Map

0 Reported Issues Worldwide

in the last 30 days

Website Check

This is a current view of the historical HTTP/HTTPS web service status check

Click on data points to see more details about issues reported or website status checks

What is the NEMRCOMEDY Organization?

NEMR is a rural telephone provider that serves customers across the United States with premium voice, video, and internet services. NEMR is also an ISP, a Fiber Optic Broadband ISP, a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Telephone Company, a Cable Television Company, and a VoIP Phone Provider. Their services are particularly efficient in offering communication alternatives for persons who reside in distant places where traditional landline telephone companies do not provide service.

Is NEMRCOMEDY down for you right now?

Latest 4 NEMRCOMEDY Notifications

ID Notification Status Time
1418 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 8390 bytes in 1.098 second response time 👍
1418 CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds
1418 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 8363 bytes in 0.849 second response time 👍
1418 CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds
Company Domain Name HTTP Status Check

Latest 0 Service Notifications

Notification Type Data Status Time

10 Most Recent Checks

Check Time Response Time Lag Status
1.22808 0.00045
1.26322 0.00055
1.18263 0
1.0113 0
1.11559 0
0.90545 0
0.97044 0.00019
0.84376 0
1.02211 0.00013
0.8312 0.00033

Most Recent Issues Reported

Reported Issue Comment Report Time