Is NHL (National Hockey League) Down?

NHL (National Hockey League) is actually 👍 UP

Date & Time now is 2024-12-21 16:51:49 UTC

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0 Reported Issues Worldwide

in the last 30 days

Website Check

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What is the NHL (National Hockey League) Organization?

The National Hockey League (NHL) is a North American professional ice hockey league with 32 clubs (25 in the United States and 7 in Canada). It is regarded as the world's best professional ice hockey league and one of the most important professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. The National Hockey League owns the trademarks NHL, NHL Shield, Stanley Cup word mark and image, Stanley Cup Playoffs, Winter Classic name and logo, Center Ice name and logo, Face Off name and logo, National Hockey League Players' Association logo, NHL Conference logos, and NHL Winter Classic logo. The team marks of the National Hockey League are the property of their respective teams.

Is NHL (National Hockey League) down for you right now?

Latest 4 NHL (National Hockey League) Notifications

ID Notification Status Time
1446 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 371261 bytes in 0.997 second response time 👍
1446 CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds
1446 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 319933 bytes in 0.747 second response time 👍
1446 CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds
Company Domain Name HTTP Status Check
NHL (National Hockey League)

Latest 0 Service Notifications

Notification Type Data Status Time

10 Most Recent Checks

Check Time Response Time Lag Status
0.76033 0.10686
1.2955 0.0056
1.04359 0
0.74713 0.00372
0.76872 0
0.73286 0
0.90308 0.00019
0.71144 0.42518
0.73557 0
0.80147 0.01279

Most Recent Issues Reported

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