Is WeTransfer Down?

WeTransfer is actually 👍 UP

Date & Time now is 2024-12-21 17:13:43 UTC

Global Issue Map

0 Reported Issues Worldwide

in the last 30 days

Website Check

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What is the WeTransfer Organization?

WeTransfer is a cloud-based on-line platform designed to permit you to transfer differing types of files without charge to different users on the net. Its use is incredibly straightforward and progressively frequent, particularly as a result of it permits you to send very massive or significant files during an exceedingly in a very convenient, straightforward and 100% effective way. This service was created by Bas Beerens from Holland in 2009 with the intent of permitting anyone on the net to send massive files across the globe while not having any size limits. During this method, WeTransfer has become one among the foremost common file sharing services on the net.

Is WeTransfer down for you right now?

Latest 2 WeTransfer Notifications

ID Notification Status Time
1989 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11623 bytes in 0.497 second response time 👍
1989 CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds
Company Domain Name HTTP Status Check

Latest 0 Service Notifications

Notification Type Data Status Time

10 Most Recent Checks

Check Time Response Time Lag Status
0.57141 0
0.38662 9.0E-5
0.57219 0.00051
0.62143 0.00069
0.52868 0.00036
0.53796 0.00049
0.55636 0.00081
0.51542 0.00061
0.35945 0
0.32294 0.00032

Most Recent Issues Reported

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